Széchenyi Baths

Name: Széchenyi Baths
Category: Baths, Nature and gardens
Location: 1146 Budapest, Állatkerti krt. 11.
Phone: + 36 1 363-3210


Széchenyi Bath (Széchenyi Fürdő) owes its popularity to its size and the wide selection of services it offers. The bath, built at the beginning of the 20th century in Neo-Baroque style, features many indoor pools, an outdoor pool open in winter, too, thermal and wellness areas, curative treatments and fitness opportunities.… Read the rest here →

Budapest’s Bests in Two Days

The “Budapest’s Bests in Two Days” page, offers an immersive exploration of Budapest’s renowned thermal baths, unique architectural gems, and sites reflecting Hungary’s diverse history. The itinerary encourages relaxation at Széchenyi Baths, exploration of Vajdahunyad Castle’s varied architectural styles, a visit to the temporarily closed Fine Arts Museum, a stroll up Andrássy út, insights into Hungary’s political past at the Terror House, and marvels at the Great Synagogue and the Art Nouveau brilliance of the Applied Arts Museum.… Read the rest here →

Budapest’s most Popular Thermal Baths

Budapest is an ideal spa city for those who like thermal water and those who dread submerging in it. Apart from the capital’s world-famous pools of curative water, there’s the experience of bathing in real monuments. In addition, some of the spas in Budapest offer such extra services as various beauty treatments, steam rooms, saunas, massage, and flat-surface pools.… Read the rest here →