Fast Facts

Budapest facts and figures

Area: 525 square kilometres (in a north–south direction approx. 25 km, east–west approx. 29 km)
Population: 1.815.000
Population density: 3456 persons/ square kilometre
Administrative structure: 23 districts
Buda: comprising one-third of the area of the city on the hilly, right bank of the Danube
Pest: comprising two-thirds of the area of the city on the flat, left bank of the Danube
Islands (from north to south): Óbuda Island, Margaret Island, Csepel Island
Bridges: nine bridges, of which two are rail bridges

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Budapest, the capital of Hungary has every category of accommodation from luxury hotel to paying guest rooms.… Read the rest here →

Planning Your Trip to Budapest

Having joined the European Union in 2004, the tourism infrastructure has developed at a furious pace in Hungary. There are many high-quality hotels and restaurants for all budgets, yet new hotels and dining opportunities continue to appear on the scene.… Read the rest here →