Promenade of the Ramparts

Name: Promenade of the Ramparts
Category: Architecture, castles and historic districts
Location: 1014 Budapest, Tóth Árpád sétány.


The promenade of the Ramparts (Tóth Árpád sétány) spreads from the bastion of Esztergom to the North up to Dísz tér, the square of the Parades, in the South of the quarter of the castle.… Read the rest here →

Saint Anne Church

Name: Saint Anne Church
Category: Religious buildings
Location: 1011 Budapest, Batthyány tér 7.


It is an elegant Church which dominates Batthyány square with its two identical bell towers. You will make out the allegorical statues of Faith, of Hope and Charity above the doorway and the statue of Saint Anne with Mary in the centre of the façade.… Read the rest here →

Freedom Square

Name: Freedom Square
Category: Architecture, castles and historic districts
Location: 1054 Budapest, Szabadság tér.


Szabadság Square (Szabadság tér) is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful squares in Budapest. The buildings, events and emotions of history and present day coalesce in such a way that olden times are summoned in front of your very eyes.… Read the rest here →

Gresham Palace

Name: Gresham Palace
Category: Architecture, castles and historic districts
Location: 1051 Budapest, Roosevelt tér 5-6.


An example of the Art nouveau style in Budapest. Dating back to 1907, it has aged badly but it is still one of the largest buildings in the city.… Read the rest here →

Redoubt in Pest

Name: Redoubt in Pest
Category: Architecture, castles and historic districts
Location: 1051 Budapest, Vigadó tér 2.


It is considered to be a remarkable example of Hungarian romanticism. This palace was built between 1859 and 1864 following the plans of Frigyes Feszl and designed to house brilliants ceremonies, concerts, balls, performances.… Read the rest here →