
Name: Citadel
Category: Architecture, castles and historic districts
Location: 1118 Budapest, Citadella sétány


Built in 1851 at the order of François-Joseph, it crowns the top of mount Gellért. The Hungarian revolt of 1848-1849 having “shook” the Austrians, who saw in this defensive works a means to control the city.… Read the rest here →

Szent György tér

Name: Szent György tér
Category: Architecture, castles and historic districts
Location: 1014 Budapest, Szent György tér


This square which stretches out in front of the main entrance to the castle is overlooked by two buildings on the right-hand side: the Neo-Gothic Sándor palace and former residence of the Prime Minister and the Castle theatre (Várszínház) with a Rococo façade, which was a former convent of the Carmelite order, which was dissolved in 1782 under the orders of Joseph II and altered by Farkas Kempelen in 1787.… Read the rest here →

Dísz tér

Name: Dísz tér
Category: Architecture, castles and historic districts
Location: 1014 Budapest, Dísz tér


Known as the Pasha’s square, St. George’s square and since the 19th century, as Parade square, it was the centre of the castle district during the Middle Ages.… Read the rest here →

Tárnok Street

Name: Tárnok Street
Category: Architecture, castles and historic districts
Location: 1014 Budapest, Tárnok utca


A busy trading area in the Middle Ages (German merchants), Treasurer ‘s Street, is edged with beautiful houses with painted façades, corbelled balaconies and Baroque decorative touches.… Read the rest here →

Szentháromság tér

Name: Szentháromság tér
Category: Architecture, castles and historic districts
Location: 1014 Budapest, Szentháromság tér.


Carriages await the visitors on the main square in the castle district, around the Trinity column built to commemorate the plague epidemics in the 17th and 18th century.… Read the rest here →