Hungarian Science Academy

Name: Hungarian Science Academy
Category: Architecture, castles and historic districts
Location: 1051 Budapest, Roosevelt tér 9.


A neo-Renaissance building dating from the 19th Century, attributed to the architect from Berlin Friedrich August Stüler. Count István Széchenyi offered, during the first Diet in 1825-1827, one year of his income to build it.… Read the rest here →

Kapisztrán tér

Name: Kapisztrán tér
Category: Architecture, castles and historic districts
Location: 1014 Budapest, Kapisztrán tér.


This square owes its name and dedicates a monument to the monk János Kapisztrán (1386-1456) who fought the Turks with János Hunyadi. Do not miss the remains of the Saint Madeleine Church and the visit to the Military History Museum.… Read the rest here →

Szentháromság Street

Name: Szentháromság Street
Category: Architecture, castles and historic districts
Location: 1014 Budapest, Szentháromság utca


At No. 7, you have to queue up in the tourist season before Ruszwurm Cukrászda (a cake shop founded in 1827) to buy one of its superb gateaux or to sit down in the small adjoining room.… Read the rest here →


Name: Citadel
Category: Architecture, castles and historic districts
Location: 1118 Budapest, Citadella sétány


Built in 1851 at the order of François-Joseph, it crowns the top of mount Gellért. The Hungarian revolt of 1848-1849 having “shook” the Austrians, who saw in this defensive works a means to control the city.… Read the rest here →


Name: Tabán
Category: Architecture, castles and historic districts
Location: 1016 Budapest, Kőmuves lépcső


This quarter spreads out from the foot of mount Gellért to the foot of the hillside of the castle. The name tabán is a name of Turkish origin that means a tannery.… Read the rest here →