Is there any regulation on smoking and alcohol consuption in Hungary?

Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsIs there any regulation on smoking and alcohol consuption in Hungary?
Anonymous asked 10 years ago

Who and where can buy cigarettes and alcohol?

0 Answers
Budapest Guide Staff answered 10 years ago

Regulations on Smoking and Alcohol consuption in Hungary

Tobacco products can only be purchased at licensed tobacconists, called the “Nemzeti Dohánybolt.”

Smoking is forbidden in indoor public spaces such as bars, restaurants and pubs, and outdoors in these cases: at public transport stops, and within five metres of the entrance to businesses and workplaces. Elsewhere, smoking is permitted at designated places only.
Alcohol consumption is forbidden in public spaces. Persons under 18 years of age cannot be served with alcohol, nor can they enter or make purchases at tobacconists. Certain places of entertainment may also bar them from entering.

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