Kerepesi temető

Name: Kerepesi temető
Category: Religious buildings
Location: 1087 Budapest, Fiumei út 16.


Budapest like all capital cities has its own cemetery, its national pantheon, where celebrities are buried. In this vast landscaped space, the most impressive monument or rather the mausoleum is undoubtedly that of Lajos Kossuth which dominates the whole cemetery.… Read the rest here →

Chapel of the Grotto

Name: Chapel of the Grotto
Category: Religious buildings
Location: 1013 Budapest, Sziklatemplom


Opposite the entrance to the Gellért baths, metal railings open out over the grotto divided into several chapels dug into the bare rock. One of them houses the Polish eagle and a replica of the famous Black Virgin from of the monastery of Jasna Góra (Cz?stochowa,… Read the rest here →