Hungarian Agriculture Museum

Name: Hungarian Agriculture Museum
Category: Museums and art
Location: 1146 Budapest, Vajdahunyadvár


This museum offers a large exhibition on working the land, breeding, fishing, hunting, sylviculture and viticulture in the past and in the present. The explanatory panels are in English and in Hungarian.… Read the rest here →

Hungarian Natural History Museum

Name: Hungarian Natural History Museum
Category: Museums and art
Location: 1088 Budapest, Baross utca 13.


Near Orczy Kert, a park planted with a hundred species of trees, this museum, through its exhibition “Man and Nature in Hungary”, shows to what point man, since his appearance on earth, has used nature to ensure his own existence.… Read the rest here →

Museum of the Metro

Name: Museum of the Metro
Category: Museums and art
Location: 1052 Budapest, Deák tér


In Deák ter metro station, take a tour around this small museum. An old station with its ticket-puncher will greet you. Along the platform you can follow, with the aid of some explanatory signs and old photographs, the construction of the first line in Europe inaugurated on 2nd May 1896.… Read the rest here →

Endre Ady Appartment-Museum

Name: Endre Ady Appartment-Museum
Category: Museums and art
Location: 1053 Budapest, Veres Pálné utca 4-6.


It is the apartment-museum of a great name in Hungarian literature : Endre Ady (1877-1919). The furniture which adorn the office, the dining room and the bedroom, evoke the two last two years of the poet’s life.… Read the rest here →