Gaiety Theatre

Name: Gaiety Theatre
Category: Architecture, castles and historic districts
Location: 1065 Budapest, Szent István körút 14 14.


The Gaiety theatre is a neo-baroque building at the front of which you cannot fail to notice two busts: on the left, that of Miklós Zrínyi (1620-1664), a poet of croation origin and fierce partisan for the expulsion of the Turks, and on the right,that of Sándor Petőfi.… Read the rest here →

Franz Liszt Music Academy

Name: Franz Liszt Music Academy
Category: Architecture, castles and historic districts
Location: 1061 Budapest, Liszt Ferenc tér 8.


A symbol of Musical Education in Europe, the Budapest Academy of Music was founded in 1875 by Franz Liszt himself and has borne his name since.… Read the rest here →

Jewish Quarter

Name: Jewish Quarter
Category: Architecture, castles and historic districts
Location: 1062 Budapest, Károly Körút


Cut off along its main lines by Káróly körút, Erzsébet körút, Dohány Street and Király Street, the Jewish Quarter is a good area to go for a walk: thus you would duiscover along the streets a particular atmosphere, whilst imagining who reigned here in other times.… Read the rest here →

Kodály körönd

Name: Kodály körönd
Category: Architecture, castles and historic districts
Location: 1062 Budapest, Kodály körönd


An elegant square with four symmetrical buildings in a circle arch. Four impressive statues of people depicted in the struggle against the Turks decorate the lawns.… Read the rest here →

Heroes’ Square

Name: Heroes’ Square
Category: Architecture, castles and historic districts
Location: 1068 Budapest, Hősök tere


Heroes’ Square (Hősök tere) belongs to Budapest’s World Heritage Sites. The square, together with the monument built for the millennium of Hungary’s foundation is a mustsee.… Read the rest here →