Transport Museum

Name: Transport Museum
Category: Museums and art
Location: 1146 Budapest, Városligeti krt. 11.


This museum is closed for a renovation.

The history of the countless miraculous machines that were results of the most successful combinations of functionality and esthetics can be learned at the exhibitions covering a wide spectrum of vehicles on wheels, in water and in the air.… Read the rest here →

Monument of the Thousandth Anniversary

Name: Monument of the Thousandth Anniversary
Category: Archaeological and historical sites
Location: 1068 Budapest, Hősök tere


As its name says, this monument commemorates one thousand years since the Magyar conquest and it was inaugurated in 1896. This column that is 36 m high and topped by the Archangel Gabriel carrying the Hungarian crown and the apostolic cross and launching himself triumphantly towards heaven, attracts all the looks on Hero’s square.… Read the rest here →

Ráth György Museum

Name: Ráth György Museum
Category: Museums and art
Location: 1068 Budapest, Városligeti fasor 12.


A villa in the eclectic style houses this museum entirely dedicated to Indian art and art from the Far East: sculptures, statuettes, jewellery, tapestries. In the part devoted to Japanese art (room 6 and 1st floor), you can admire some beautiful collections of combs made of ivory and golden lacquer ware, pipes and pipe cases as well as a reconstruction of the tea ceremony with all the utensils that are used.… Read the rest here →

Liszt Ferenc Memorial Museum

Name: Liszt Ferenc Emlékmúzeum
Category: Museums and art
Location: 1064 Budapest, Vörösmarty utca 35.


Everything here is about Liszt. The building on the corner of Vörösmarty Street and Andrássy Avenue accomodates the Liszt Ferenc Research Centre (Liszt Ferenc Kutatóközpont) and Research Library of Musical History on its ground floor, the Memorial Museum on its first floor and the deservedly famous concert hall one floor above.… Read the rest here →